
Stray Dog With The Biggest Tumor Ever, Tormented By Pain, Upset And Losing Faith In Life, But No Help

There was a significant threat of blood loss, and other complications. 

 the surgery took further than two hours, but there was good news so far. the excrescence has been removed. It weighs4.9 pounds. 

“Dr.Mehalick andDr.Browne are now starting the process of closing up, which starts with stitching the body wall.”

The surgery was successed , she’s eating and doing well. She also start walking. It was the first time she has been walking comfortaably since a long time. 

Magnlia Is at the St.Croix Animal Welfare Centre. She’s feeling enough and by good health. 

Magnolia is veritably happy and friendly in the new home. 

Magnolia is veritably happy and friendly in the new home. 

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