
After 4 years in the street, this dog is identified: the reaction of his master is a cold shower for all

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t’s a heart-breaking story, but unfortunately it’s not that rare … Hopefully Patches will soon have the chance to find his family for life, the one who can restore his good humor.

Patches is an Australian Shepherd who had been well known in the Clarksville area for months. The residents of the district left him food and water in their garden for him.

For months they tried to approach him, but Patches never wanted to be rescued. 

The poor doggie was very fearful 

One day, one of the locals who fed him food noticed that Patches had his front paw stuck in his collar. He needed help, but unfortunately the dog wouldn’t let anyone near him. 

When Jeanette Ferrell, the director of the local shelter, learned of his story, she made the trip to try to catch him in order to treat him. 

Jeanette put cameras and traps down where Patches regularly came, but the dog never let herself be fooled. After weeks of testing, Jeanette and her team were finally able to capture Patches in one of their traps. 

His ID chip reveals the secrets of his past

Locals knew that Patches had lived on the streets for over 17 months. When Jeanette’s team scanned her ID chip, they discovered the dog’s past. His real name was Willy and had been registered as missing for 4 years. 

Sadly, they also discovered that Patches’ previous home could no longer accommodate him. His former master was registered as violent and he was prohibited from keeping animals. He therefore left the dog in the care of the shelter. 

Patches has been going through difficult times for the past 4 years, so that’s why he’s fearful of humans. He will receive behavior therapy which will allow him to find a home for life. 

We wish him lots of luck and are sure Patches will get out of this quickly!