
She approaches a dog and puts stones around him for a reason that will change everything

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A beautiful rescue. 

It all starts when a woman sees a dog who seems to need help while in the car. She then decides to stop and finds that the poor doggie can no longer move. Without hesitating for a second, she makes the decision to surround the dog with stones so that the cars will avoid him, then she contacts the Animal Aid association for help. 

A necessary rescue

When Animal Aid volunteers arrived, they immediately noticed that the dog had a spinal injury . He was in so much pain that he had difficulty breathing and was shaking all over his body. 

The volunteers then took the dog to Animal Aid’s premises so that they could get him back on his feet and take care of him properly. 

An iron will

After long weeks of care and rehabilitation, the dog finally managed to get the hang of it. In real little warrior, Pintu fought to the end for his survival and now it is much better and enjoy every moment of this new life to which he is entitled.