
This dog loses his eyes because of the mistreatment of his masters, his story moves the whole world

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Louis’ story has inspired hundreds of animal lovers all around the world. The Helen Woodward Animal Center association received an extraordinary prize pool to pay for her medical expenses. 

The Helen Woodward Animal Center is located in California. The shelter team rescued Louis, a 3-year-old dog. His former owners came to drop him off at the shelter, stating that they preferred the dog to lose his eyes rather than be treated for his eye infection. They then decided to give up the dog, as they couldn’t care for a blind animal.

Mobilization around the world 

The shelter has received hundreds of calls and emails about Louis since People magazine shared his story. 

Many people wanted to know if his former masters were going to be brought to justice for their terrible deeds. 

Health examinations revealed a broken paw that was never treated and severely infected eyes that had to be removed. Louis is gradually getting used to his life without the vision and his paw is healing, but examinations have confirmed that the poor dog has suffered abuse in the past. 

The story of poor Louis moved many people all around the world and the dog received a large number of donations. His prize pool so far stands at 12,000 dollars! 

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