
They find kitten: examining its paws, they realize how cruel a man can be

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An act of rare violence that left the whole refuge speechless.

Near a meadow located in the Irrsee (Upper Austria), passers-by were surprised to hear cries. Quickly, they understand that a cat is calling for help . Quickly, the kitten is found. He seems to be in great pain and passers-by then take him to safety in a refuge.

A cruel act

On site, the kitten, now named Florian, is examined from every angle. It appears then that he is suffering from the legs. The volunteers examine it closely and find, with tears in their eyes, that its paws have many burn marks . Burns from a cigarette.

Everyone around little Florian swallows back his tears. The kitten is then groomed and given pain relievers to make it feel better. We also give him food from a bottle so that he regains his strength.

As to who tortured this poor animal in this way, the mystery remains complete. But luckily Florian should be entitled to a much better life now.