
They abandon their dog at a shelter and give an outrageous excuse (photos)

When she arrived at the shelter, Clover was a happy dog, used to living with a loving family. But quickly the stress seized the animal which failed to find its feet in this new environment noisy and overloaded with dogs.

“Shelters are particularly scary places. There are a lot of dogs, it’s noisy… Clover was a family dog, so she struggled a lot, ”says a member of the shelter.

Within days, Clover had become stressed and aggressive, especially with the other dogs. It was then impossible to put her with other dogs. On the other hand, the dog was always adorable with the volunteers. But her behavior made her find herself on the list of dogs to be euthanized several times.

Saved from euthanasia on several occasions

Saved multiple times from euthanasia as no one could bring themselves not to give her a chance, Clover was eventually placed in foster care so that she could once again become the kind and gentle dog she had always been. .

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