
His Pitbull starts running towards a child, a few minutes later he calls the police

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He was less than one for this child who put himself in a very dangerous situation. 

Unfortunately, the Pitbulls continue to have a very bad reputation. They are often said to be aggressive dogs. But in reality, this is far from being their true nature. A properly bred Pitbull dog will be a wonderful, gentle and protective companion with those he loves. 

A Pitbull with a big heart

It all started around three years ago as Stacie Rae English’s brother – Shelby – walked his dog Hurley down the street so he could spend time sniffing all the smells in the neighborhood while stretching his paws. . After a few minutes of walking, Shelly decides to untie Hurley so that he can run around a bit, still under his supervision of course. This is where things took an unexpected turn. 

Suddenly Hurley and Shelby hear a child screaming. Without hesitating, the dog rushes towards the child who was very close to a snake. Hurley then grabbed the snake to kill it, letting the child run away to find his mother. 

By the time Shelby found her dog, the child and mother were already gone, presumably to the hospital, so Shelby called the police to come to the scene. While there, police examined Hurley and found he was bleeding and his neck was swollen. He had obviously been bitten by the snake. 

Everyone is well

Shelby then decides to take his doggie as soon as possible to Denton Animal Emergency Hospital where he spent the night under observation to make sure that everything was going well for him. Fortunately, it was, and Hurley was able to come out the day after this heroic act. 

As for the child, he is also doing well, no doubt thanks to Hurley’s heroic intervention. 

In order to prove to the world that the Pitbulls also have a big heart, Stacie Rae English wanted to share the story of her brother and her dog. Hopefully, little by little mentalities will change.