
He abandons his dog in the mountains: what the vet discovers on the radio is horrible

A horrible discovery

It was by doing various tests that the veterinarian announced several bad news to Viktor Larkhill and his team: Luna, in addition to having her legs broken, was totally blind and had 8 dead puppies in her womb. 

Luna was quickly operated on for her legs and everything was back to normal. A second operation was needed for her eyes and the dog was able to see again. Finally, the dead puppies in her womb were taken out. 

A year after her operation, Luna’s new family (she was adopted in the meantime) noticed that the dog’s paws had a problem again. They took her to the vet and he was sad to report that she needed further surgery due to complications.

A precious help

Unfortunately, Luna’s new family couldn’t afford to pay for their dog’s care, and they were heartbroken. Viktor Larkhill then offered to manage Luna’s care and recovery and bring the dog back to them when she was better again. 

Luna’s story and rescue in video

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