
After weeks behind bars, this dog has gone through a huge upheaval!

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For Ago, absolutely everything changed in a few hours. For the best. 

From a rescue in Romania by the ARPA shelter, Ago arrived at the shelter when he was still a puppy, in the company of his brothers and sisters. Frightened, the pooch didn’t attract much attention over the weeks spent behind bars watching potential adopters pass by.

A click that changes everything

Marie is an employee of the shelter. Every day, she had the chance to follow Ago and realize that her adoption was going to be complicated because of her great shyness. Obviously, she quickly became attached to the doggie despite its morphology which suggested problems and quickly understood that Ago could suffer from a serious health problem.

What medical examinations finally confirmed later. Ago suffers from a significant form of dysplasia. 

When the doggie was six months old, Marie had a click: she had to adopt Ago and give him a good life. It was not easy at first because Ago did not receive any basic education since he is a little puppy from the streets. He had to be taught everything: cleanliness, staying alone, not being frightened outside… But with a lot of investment and support with canine trainers specializing in behavior, Marie managed to make him a good dog.


A better life

Today, despite his health problems, Ago is living his best life alongside Marie who gives absolutely everything to make him happy. We can also follow his progress and his adventures on his Instagram account, and seeing Ago happy is really fun!


Below, you can discover Ago’s story in photos via the publication of Clarisse de Wamiz who is an ARPA volunteer.
